💻 Digital Fridge Leader 🌍 Typescript universe
As the Digital Fridge Leader, you might wonder if I'm talking about that famous appliance used by practically everyone—the one where fruits, veggies, and all sorts of perishable goodies coexist harmoniously. Now, imagine the joy of dining out, and let these cooks whip up scrumptious dishes for you. Well, think of me as the head chef in this digital kitchen, discerning the right ingredients, crafting perfect pairings, investigating reliability, and harmoniously orchestrating the culinary crew. Much like a chef with a discerning palate, my role revolves around selecting the finest ingredients at just the right moment, ensuring fine combinations. Because I am a Digital Fridge Leader.
{ Freelance } - Lead fullstack developer & IT Consultant
01/2019 - now - Hô-Chi-Minh, Vietnam
Developping, consulting, supervasing and leading few projects around the world. Ex realization: platform e-learning, products catalogue, food/stuffs delivery process, tools & micro-services.
{ Swan.io } - Lead engineer & Backend developer
06/2021 - 10/2023 - Paris, France
Swan is a B2B neobank. End Customer was the first team I joined, by leading Ultimate Beneficiary Owner, leading Capital Deposit and finally leading Closing Account. Then, team User required my help to first refactor the entire project by using Clean Code and Clean Archi standards with our own Hexagonal pattern, after that, I was leading Server Consent project and joined German KYC.
{ Artips } - Lead fullstack Developer
03/2020 - 01/2021 - Paris, France
Projects's process setting up, team leader, technical referent, projects supervisor, developping and projects architecture improvement + others cool projects.
{ Trusk } - Node.Js & tools developer
01/2018 - 01/2019 - Paris, France
Creation multiple micro-services, in charge of developing few app for delays/optimization/organization tours. Development of a new code base and project architectural.
{ Fearless VR } - Co-founder and fullstack developer
01/2015 - 01/2018
Team leader & main developer. Creation of multiple app with socket system, reality virtual, using Unity as well, few backoffices, desktop and mobiles app, etc. Winner of Medical Innovation Incubator by Viva Tech 2017.
{ Bel Air - SEITOSEI - RS2I } - Mobile & fullstack developer
from 08/2013 - to 08/2016 - Paris, France
{ Freelance } - Fullstack developer
01/2008 - 01/2013 - Paris, France
Main programming tools
{ Traveling }
{ Science }
{ Diving }
{ Boxing }
and many more... Like movies, cooking, sharing and of course coding ❤️
{ EPITECH } - Information Technology Expert
01/2013 - 01/2018 - Paris, France
  • Master in Information Technology - BAC +5
  • Bachelor in Information Technology - BAC +3
{ Laval university } - Bachelor in Software Engineering - BAC +4
01/2016 - 01/2017 - Quebec City, Canada
  • Certificate in software engineering - BAC +4
{ High School parc de Vilgénis } - Professional baccalaureate in digital electronic systems
01/2010 - 01/2013 - Massy, France
  • Professional baccalaureate in digital electronic systems
  • Patent of professional studies digital electronic systems
Ask me directly if you want to know... =)